
How Does Using and Not Using a Power Meter Affect a Cyclist

Cyclist Health Survey

Cyclists often train at inappropriate intensities and volumes , if not carefully planned, the damage may be permanent. According to a study in the Journal of Sports Medicine, the rate of cyclists with chronic overtraining and injuries was 30% higher among those who trained by feel as compared to cyclists who used power meters. As such, there may be different training, racing performance, or health for cyclists using power meters and those who are not.

Here, we compare cyclists who use power meters and those who do not to see if there is clear difference.

Enhanced Training with Pulse-Track Pro

Precision in Training

Training with the power meter allows cyclists to train precisely. According to Journal of Sports Sciences, cyclists that use power meters are 28% more efficient in their training process. The Pulse has high accuracy in measuring power output, and consequently, the rider can train within specific power zones. This approach helps to make sure that the training will target an intensity that is required. The regular feedback provided in real-time to the rider can be useful when they can quickly adjust their efforts. This way no undertraining or overtraining will occur as the rider can always vary the intensity .

Consistent Improvement

Using the power meter guarantees that a rider will see better performance constantly. According to the International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, riders that used power meters show a 17% greater performance improvement over six months. The Pulse-Track Pro offers comprehensive data analysis, and therefore the rider will understand their ride better and be able to train and recover smarter . As can be seen the rationale behind the possibility to consistently improve performance is using accurate metrics for training intensity and recovery pace.

Race Strategy

According to another study in the European Journal of Applied Physiology, cyclists using power meters had a 22% better pacing strategy during races. It implies that cyclists know their exact output, and therefore they can save energy for crucial moments. Moreover, the Pulse-Track Pro offers multiple features that can help with the development of race strategies. Race simulations and fully customizable power zones make sure that the riders can prepare for every possible scenario. 

Training without Power Meter

Perceived Exertion

For cyclists who don’t have a power meter, they often rely on experience and perceived effort during training. This method works no well, but is not as accurate as power meter data. Moreover, perceived effort can be affected by various factors such as fatigue, weather conditions, and even mood. Therefore, the training intensity of the ride may be unstable.

Higher Risk of Overtraining

Any cyclist is at a higher risk of overtraining. Still, when they do not have a power meter, the threat increases since such cyclists do not have precise data that helps to forecast when they need to reduce or maintain their training load.  Overtraining is a serious threat not only to cycle’s performance but their health.

Less Structured Workouts

Training outdoors is a great opportunity to spend time in the open air and enjoy one’s bicycle and nature. Still, training without a power meter may result in an unstructured training process. In this way, a cyclist may run along the same route and miss the changes in the specific training zones, which are required for better performance. As a result, cycle’s performance may plateau.

Heart Rate Training VS Strength Training

After comparison, it can be found that using or not using a power meter is actually a matter of choosing heart rate training or strength training.As for the specific impact, it is obvious that the latter will increase the chance of chronic damage to the human body, so not using power is overdraft the potential of the body.Gradually, whether in training, competition performance or health status, it will be surpassed by structured training with a power meter. You can refer to the following video to further understand whether to use a power meter.

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