
5 Reasons to Choose Stages Power for Professional Cycling

Championship Proven

Precision and reliability immediately come to mind, two aspects critical to pro rider who trust there rides with precision power measurement by Stages. It has even earned numerous championship titles, notably in the Tour de France and Vuelta a Spain. The 2017 Tour de France winner was riding a Stages-equipped bike, which speaks volumes about how well the meter can perform even under the toughest of circumstances. Power meter data also fed into energy management, an important tool both when you’re going over an uphill and sprinting (which is usually at the end of a long effort).

Enhanced Training Efficiency

Power meters changed all that, with specific numbers that pertain to volume and intensity, and that would guide the very nature of how long at what intensity a rider should be exercising. By doing this, a cyclist using a Stages Power Meter can focus on hitting certain wattage numbers to improve endurance, and hit their power numbers when it comes to needing that explosive power. As an example, a rider could have target power of 300 watts for 10 minutes intervals for interval training. With precision, inside every training session provides for greater physiological adaptations that were timeless without the guessing.

Immediate Performance Response

Real-time responses with immediate communication makes a power meter, like the Stages Power meter, essential for race day. A cyclist felt his expected power output over a critical race segment, adjusted gears and pace just in time, to save it for strong finish. That sort of instant information is priceless when it comes to those judgement calls that can tip the balance of a race in one direction or the other.

Optimal Bike Tuning

The Power meter from Stages also helps in making a bike more efficient by measuring the efficiency of both the power with respect to force and torque. Cyclist and mechanics use this data to adjust drivetrain setups for optimal performance. Power output data analysis that supports adjustments to the crank length or gear ratios, improves the bike’s responsiveness and the cyclist’s comfort.

Long-Term Progress Tracking

Collecting data for the long term is very important so that you can compare with previous data and plan ahead for your next training block. A cyclist may use Stages Power to measure wattage output and performance metrics from season to season, and recognize improvements. This highly detailed tracking helped one professional cyclist recover from an injury by keeping a close eye on recovery and adjusting training loads to prevent re-injury.

High Accuracy and Reliability

The Stages Power meters are known for their industry-leading accuracy which it claims to be +/- 1.5% accurate. It may seem minor, but that discrepancy matters when planning workout and race strategies at the professional level. At the UCI World Championships an athlete was able to maintain exactly- no more no less- an output of 400 watts over the 45-minute time trial thanks to their Stages Power meter to pace perfectly without squandering energy.

Dependable in All Conditions

Professional riders ride in all types of weather, across damp cobbles and windswept mountains. No matter where you choose to express your inner grit, Stages Power meters are designed and built to meet and often exceed your needs. In the notoriously punishing pavé sections of the Paris-Roubaix race, Stages meter users relied on the meters to read accurately in spite of dust or mud and the rotor shaking over the cobblestones.

Calibration Simplicity

The ease of calibration it provides is the other vital part of Stages Power’s rock-solid accuracy. This lets cyclists quickly calibrate their power meters prior to every ride and delivers power data that is correct from their very first pedal stroke to their last.Category: Cycling DNS Engineer’s Notes TAGS: aeropod bicycle, nes DNS Engineerβ´s note DNS enginneering.note.power measurement.commentary.aeropod.bicycle This is a quick and easy operation that resets the meters base reading by making the spindles spin a few times. At the Giro d’Italia 2018, riders were seen executing this rapid calibration on the call-up area ahead of the start, ensuring that power data would be on the money from the very off.

Robust Construction

One of the reasons that Stages Power meters are so reliable derives from the level of sophistication in their design. These meters are meticulously hand-crafted at our factory, engineered with high quality materials for durability and certified accurate to within +/- 2.0%. During the Tour of California a rider’s power meter actually survived a crash at 40 MPH on a descent. The device did still remain accurate post incident so their power data was likely still spot on allowing the rider to race through the other parts of the stage.

Advanced Feature Set

There’s a host of advanced features available on Stages Power meters, built for the hardcore Pro cyclist. Dual-sided power measurement is one such release feature, which allows riders to measure power output left and right of each crank arm. This means you can perform detailed left-right balance analysis, which is important for maximising pedal stroke and bike fit. At the 2020 World Championship Time Trials, a rider was able to change their training based on an offset found by the Stages system which resulted in them improving their aerodynamic efficiency and the balance of power the whole tour.

Integration von Cycling Computern

Stages Power meters are fully compatible with all Stages Dash products, as well as third-party cycling computers and fitness devices such as Garmin® and Suunto. Riders can see real-time power, cadence and more on the new computer through this integration. The participants in the Cape Epic Mountain Bike Race took advantage of this integration to measure how hard they were working on a variety of terrains by reading their monitors and modifying their effort to save energy for the key segments of the race.

ANT+ and Bluetooth Smart Connections

Not only do Stages Power meters feature both ANT+ and Bluetooth Smart connectivity but they are fully compatible with virtually every device on the market. This was also very useful for certain riders during a multi-stage race who use varying display devices. With the help of Bluetooth, a cyclist was able to pair their meter with a new bike-computer just minutes after a crash broke the unit it was originally paired with.

Improved Battery Life and User Replaceable

Cyclists who spend long hours on the road also require long battery life and easy replacement. Stages Power meters have up to 200 hours of battery life on a CR2032 coin-cell battery you can easily replace yourself. In the Tour de France, this was apparent as riders could swap a battery pack in seconds during rest days; there was no need for any special tools or intervention from a technician.

Competitive Pricing

Pricing across the Stages Power meters are positioned strategically to provide immense bang-for-the-buck without opening up the costs to be unreachable by most cyclists with prices that span from the amateur to the pro looks of things. Stages impressively manages to compete with many high-end power meters, including dual-sided measurement and more connectivity options, at a lower price. It was a strategy that meant a cycling team struggling to make ends meet was able to kit out every rider with a Stages meter ahead of a national tour, meaning the team could reclaim all the training data it had been searching for—without running totally out of funds.

Cost-Benefit Advantage

Despite being within reach of the average Joe Budget, Stages Power meters are surprisingly high-quality and feature-rich. Sporting the latest bells and whistles, including accurate power measurement and dependable connectivity solutions, for a price tag that’s often much cheaper than comparable products. The cost-effective nature of the Stages Power meter has been illustrated by a semi-professional cyclist who could afford race wheels, an aero helmet and our Power meter within a single season.

No Hidden Costs

Pricing information: As with all Stages Power meters, transparency in pricing is always important. There are no surprise costs here, with vital functionalities like firmware upgrades and basic analytics, that other brands often charge extra for, included in the low price. Of benefit in a continuous cycling season, a cycling club that took this approach was able to upgrade its hundreds of Stages meters of its members to the latest firmware well before two critical races, all at no additional cost to the members.

Long-Term Savings

The Stages Power meter is a long-term financial investment for riders, thanks to a sturdy build and little maintenance required. The combination of long battery life, and cuztomizable external battery field are cost advantages which result in a lower total cost of ownership. One such example we know of is a long-distance cyclist who rode a Stages meter for over 20,000km and never had to make a major repair or replace any parts, validating the extremely low cost of real-world ownership over multiple seasons.

Comprehensive Customer Support

Stages Power meters with customers support, stand with you from setup to diagnostics. Personalized support channels provided offer the necessary assistance to the users in order to make help accessible whenever it is required. A professional cyclist, encountered a syncing problem during a coaching camp. After that, it was only a few hours on the phone with Stages customer support before the issue was resolved, and I was back to training without any issues leading into a race.

Extensive Online Resources

The huge range of online resources available from Stages include comprehensive installation guides, FAQs and video tutorials In many common cases, these resources are created to give an ability to solve the problem for the users independently. With a complete build and calibration done through the online toolkit, the fact that a novice cyclist has no prior technical experience illustrates the quality of information provided.

Flexible Support

Stages has a very responsive support team with a lot of expertise. Cyclists can get fast and thorough answers to their technical questions, sometimes in the form of an exact How To. In a key, pre-race examination of his equipment, one rider spotted a power figures irregularity. A brief discussion with technical support from Stages led to even tighter instructions to recalibrate the meter and get a proper reading so they could race.

Community Engagement

The Stages community contributes to a forum and social media presence, allowing users to detail their experience and share top-trick solutions. This interaction creates an inclusive background where riders can learn from everyone. My stage in P2 Magasin online forum has spawned a group collaboration of cyclists sharing best practices for optimizing power meter performance in cold weather conditions.

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